Posted on 07/04/2012

Saturday Web Overview

During last week I’ve encountered some interesting links on the web. Here’s an overview.

  • Although I’ve read 10 chapters of LYAH and four chapters of RWH, I find learning Haskell difficult. Not that I don’t understand it. The problem is that I have a really hard time to create a fully working application. I was somewhat relieved to find out that I’m not the only one and that it’s typical for Haskell newbies.

  • In the 12th issue of The Monad Reader Neil Mitchell published an overview of Hoogle. I find this paper very helpful, since Neil gives also some useful tips about designing a Haskell project. I’ve been playing a bit with some Haskell code recently, hoping that perhaps it could be turned into something actually usable.

  • Speaking of which, Haskell wiki also provides a great guide how to start a new Haskell project. Also very useful, although it assumes usage of darcs, while I use git. That’s not a big problem, though.

  • There’s a book called The Architecture of Open Source Applications. It looks like there’s a lot of interesting reading. Volume 1 contains a chapter about LLVM and about Eclipse. Volume 2 has not yet been released, but there is a draft of chapter about the architecture of GHC.

  • Just a few months ago I didn’t know lots of programming concepts: lambdas, folds, currying, partial function applications, the Y-combinator to name a few. There are some more to learn: monads, which I’ll tackle soon, and continuations. I have a plan to read The Seasoned Schemer one day (that’s a sequel to The Little Schemer) to learn about continuations but in the meantime I’ve found a continuations tutorial on Scheme Wiki.

  • Constructing minimal PNG encoder in Haskell seems extremely easy.

  • I dug out an interesting thread on Stack Overflow. This time it’s about memoization in Haskell. I wasn’t yet able to wrap my head around edwardk’s solution but it looks impressive.
