Posted on 06/11/2012

How to shoot yourself in the foot with Haskell

Haskell is “advertised” as a safe language that does all type checking upfront, making sure that you don’t experience runtime type errors, null pointers and all that kind of stuff. It also gives you ways to bypass some of the safety mechanisms, so a conscious programmer can use unsafe functions to get a boost in performance (e.g. by not performing bounds checking when indexing a vector).

I’ve written some very ugly Haskell code that creates a vector using destructive updates. It is in fact an imperative algorithm, not a functional one. When the initialization is over the vector is frozen using unsafeFreeze. I wrote my code using read and write functions, tested it using QuickCheck and when the tests passed I switched to unsafeRead and unsafeWrite to make my program faster. Some time later I started getting random segfaults when running my tests. This never happened before in any of my Haskell programs so I almost panicked. At first I didn’t had a slightest idea how to even approach this problem. I suspected that this might even be a bug in GHC. Then I started disabling groups of tests trying to track down the bug and finally managed to locate a single test that was causing the problem. Guess what - it was the test of my vector initialization with unsafe functions. What happened is that after switching to unsafeRead/unsafeWrite I refactored the function and its test. I made a mistake in the testing code and passed incorrect data that resulted with an attempt to write an element at address -1. Finding this bug took me a little over an hour. A factor that made debugging harder was that disabling tests that seemed to cause the segfault resulted in problems appearing in a completely different part of the program - or so I thought by looking at the output of my program. Looks like I completely forgot about lazy evaluation and unspecified evaluation order!

Second bug I encountered was even trickier. I wrote functions that perform cyclic shifts of a signal by any value. For example shifting [1,2,3,4] left by 1 yields [2,3,4,1]. Note that shifting by 5, 9, 13 and so on gives exactly the same result - the shift function is periodic. You might recall that I used shift functions to demonstrate code testing. This time however I written shifts using Repa library. Then I created QuickCheck property stating that shifting any signal left and then right by same value yields the original signal. This is pretty obvious property and the tests passed without any problems. Later, when writing some other tests I ended up with one of the tests failing. Using ghci I checked that this error should not be happening at all, but after careful debugging it turned out that during actual tests some of the values in the results become zeros. After two hours of debugging I realized that the actual bug is in the shifting functions - they worked only for the basic period, that is shift values from 0 to signal length. Why QuickCheck didn’t manage to falsify my property of left/right shift compositions? Repa is a smart (and tricky) library that attempts to fuse many operations on an array into one. And it fused application of left shift followed by right shift into identity transform! Well, this is great. After all this is the kind of optimization we would like to have in our programs. But it turns out that it can also impact tests! After realizing what is going on it was actually a matter of 5 minutes to fix the bug, but finding it was not a trivial task.
