Posted on 26/01/2013

Taking magic out of GHC or: Tracing compilation by transformation

When I was planning to learn about compilers I heard one phrase that still sticks in my mind:

Taking compilers course is a good thing because it takes magic out of compilers.

It may have been put into words differently but this was the meaning. Having taken compilers course and learning about GHC’s internals I think this is so true. A compiler is no longer a black box. It’s just a very complicated program built according to some general rules. In this post I want to reveal a little bit of magic that GHC does behind the scenes when compiling your Haskell program.

Imagine you are writing an image processing algorithm and you want to check whether pixel coordinates x and y are within the image. That’s simple: if any of these coordinates is less than 0 or if x equals or exceeds image width or if y equals or exceeds image height than coordinates are not within the image. Here’s how we can express this condition in Haskell:

case (x < 0) || (x >= width) || (y < 0) || (y >= height) of
    False -> e1 -- do this when (x,y) is within the image
    True  -> e2 -- do that when (x,y) is outside of image

When compiling a Haskell program GHC uses language called Core as an intermediate representation. It’s a very simplified ((We usually call it “desugared”, because simplifying Haskell to Core simply removes syntactic sugar.)) form of Haskell that has only let and case expressions and type annotations. You don’t need any knowledge of Core to understand this post but if you want to learn more I suggest to start with a blog post by Gabriel Gonzalez and then take a look at Edward Z. Yang’s post, that also shows GHC’s other intermediate languages: STG and Cmm. You can see Core representation to which your program was transformed by passing -ddump-simpl flag to GHC (I also use -dsuppress-all to get rid of all type informations that obscure the output). If you compile above case expression with optimisations (pass the -O2 option to GHC) you end up with following Core representation:

case <# x 0# of _ {
  False ->
    case >=# x width of _ {
      False ->
        case <# y 0# of _ {
          False ->
            case >=# y height of _ {
              False -> e1;
              True  -> e2;
          True -> e2;
      True -> e2;
  True -> e2;

GHC turned our infix comparison operators into prefix notation. It also unboxed integer variables. This can be noticed by # appended to integer literals and comparison operators. There’s also some syntactic change in case expressions: there are braces surrounding the branches, semicolon is used to delimit branches from each other and there is a mysterious underscore after the keyword of. We can rewrite this in a more familiar Haskell syntax (I will also reverse the order of True and False branches - it will be more readable):

case x < 0 of
  True  -> e2
  False ->
    case x >= width of
      True  -> e2
      False ->
        case y < 0 of
          True  -> e2
          False ->
            case y >= height of
              True  -> e2
              False -> e1

The most noticeable thing however is that our original case expression has suddenly turned into four nested cases, which resulted in duplicating expression e2 four times. In this post I will show you how GHC arrived at this representation.

A bit of theory

There are some things you need to know in order to understand how GHC transformed the code. First is the definition of (||) operator (logical or):

(||) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
(||) x y = case x of
    True  -> True
    False -> y

When optimizations are turned on GHC performs inlining of short functions. This means that function calls are replaced by function definitions and this will be the case with (||) function.

Second thing is case-to-case code transformation. Imagine a code fragment like this:

case (
  case C of
      B1 -> F1
      B2 -> F2
 ) of
    A1 -> E1
    A2 -> E2

We have a case expression nested within a scrutinee ((A scrutinee is an expression which value is checked by the the case expression. Scrutinee is placed between words ‘case’ and ‘of’.)) of another case expression. You may be thinking that you would never write such a code and you are right. GHC however compiles programs by performing subsequent Core-to-Core transformations and such nesting of case expressions is often generated during that process (as we will see in a moment). If nested case expressions appear in the Core representation of a program they are turned inside out by case-of-case transformation: the nested case scrutinising C becomes the outer case expression and the outer case expression is pushed into branches B1 and B2:

case C of
    B1 -> case F1 of
              A1 -> E1
              A2 -> E2
    B2 -> case F2 of
              A1 -> E1
              A2 -> E2

You see that code for E1 and E2 has been duplicated. This is worst case scenario. In real life programs one of the branches can often be simplified using case-of-known-constructor transformation. See what happens when expression returned by a branch of nested case is a constructor that is matched by outer case (A1 in this example):

case (
  case C of
      B1 -> A1
      B2 -> F2
 ) of
    A1 -> E1
    A2 -> E2

After performing case-of-case transformation we end up with:

case C of
    B1 -> case A1 of
              A1 -> E1
              A2 -> E2
    B2 -> case F2 of
              A1 -> E1
              A2 -> E2

In the first branch of outer case expression we are now matching A1 against A1. So we know that first branch will be taken and thus can get rid of this case expression reducing it to E1:

case C of
    B1 -> E1
    B2 -> case F2 of
              A1 -> E1
              A2 -> E2

Thus only E1 was duplicated. We will see that happen a lot in a moment.

The fun begins

Knowing all this we can begin optimizing our code:

case (x < 0) || (x >= width) || (y < 0) || (y >= height) of
    False -> e1
    True  -> e2

First thing that happens is inlining of (||) operators. The call to (x < 0) || (x >= width) is replaced by definition of (||):

case (
    case (x < 0) of  -- this case comes from definition of ||
        True  -> True
        False -> (x >= width)
    ) || (y < 0) || (y >= height) of
    False -> e1
    True  -> e2

Let’s inline next use of (||):

case (
    case (  -- this case is introduced by inlining of second ||
        case (x < 0) of
            True  -> True
            False -> (x >= width)
        ) of
        True  -> True
        False -> (y < 0)
    ) || (y >= height) of
    False -> e1
    True  -> e2

One more inlining and where done with (||):

case (
    case (  -- this case is introduced by inlining of last ||
        case (
            case (x < 0) of
                True  -> True
                False -> (x >= width)
            ) of
            True  -> True
            False -> (y < 0)
        ) of
        True  -> True
        False -> (y >= height)
    ) of
    False -> e1
    True  -> e2

We ended up with three cases nested as scrutinees of other cases - I told you this will happen. Now GHC will start applying case-of-case transformation to get rid of all this nesting. Let’s focus on two most internal cases for simplicity:

case (
    case (x < 0) of
        True  -> True
        False -> (x >= width)
    ) of
    True  -> True
    False -> (y < 0)

Performing case-of-case transformation on them gives:

case (x > 0) of  -- nested case is floated out
    True ->
        case True of  -- outer case is pushed into this branch...
            True  -> True
            False -> (y < 0)
    False ->
        case (x >= width) of -- ...and into this branch
            True  -> True
            False -> (y < 0)

Looking at first nested case we see that case-of-known-constructor transformation can be applied:

case (x < 0) of
    True  -> True  -- case-of-known-constructor eliminated
                   -- case expression in this branch
    False ->
        case (x >= width) of
            True  -> True
            False -> (y < 0)

Now let’s put these cases back into our expression:

case (
    case (
        case (x < 0) of
            True  -> True
            False ->
                case (x >= width) of
                    True  -> True
                    False -> (y < 0)
        ) of
        True  -> True
        False -> (y >= height)
    ) of
    False -> e1
    True  -> e2

Now we only have two cases nested as scrutinees of other case. Applying case-of-case one more time will get rid of the first nesting:

case (
    case (x < 0) of
        True ->  -- we can use case-of-known-constructor here
            case True of
                True  -> True
                False -> (y >= height)
        False ->
            case ( -- these nested cases weren't here before!
                case (x >= width) of
                    True -> True
                    False -> (y < 0)
                ) of
                True  -> True
                False -> (y >= height)
    ) of
    False -> e1
    True  -> e2

Hey, that’s something new here! We eliminated nested cases in one place only to introduce them in another. But we know what to do with nested cases - use case-of-case of course. Let’s apply it to the second branch and case-of-known-constructor to the first one:

case (
    case (x < 0) of
        True  -> True  -- case-of-known-constructor used here
        False ->
            case (x >= width) of    -- case-of-case used here
                True ->
                    case True of    -- what about this case?
                        True  -> True
                        False -> (y >= height)
                False ->
                    case (y < 0) of
                        True  -> True
                        False -> (y >= height)
    ) of
    False -> e1
    True  -> e2

We just got another chance to perform case-of-known-constructor:

case (
    case (x < 0) of
        True  -> True
        False ->
            case (x >= width) of
                True  -> True  -- case-of-known-constructor
                False ->
                   case (y < 0) of
                       True -> True
                       False -> (y >= height)
    ) of
    False -> e1
    True  -> e2

We have on more nested case to eliminate. Let’s hit it:

case (x < 0) of
    True ->
        case True of
            False -> e1
            True  -> e2
    False ->
        case (
            case (x >= width) of
                True  -> True
                False ->
                    case (y < 0) of
                        True -> True
                        False -> (y >= height)
                ) of
                False -> e1
                True  -> e2

Do you see how expressions e1 and e2 got duplicated? Let’s apply case-of-known-constructor in the first branch and case-of-case + case-of-known-constructor in the second one:

case (x < 0) of
    True  -> e2
    False ->
        case (x >= width) of
            True  -> e2
            False ->
                case (
                    case (y < 0) of
                        True  -> True
                        False -> (y >= height)
                    ) of
                    False -> e1
                    True  -> e2

One more case-of-case:

case (x < 0) of
    True  -> e2
    False ->
        case (x >= width) of
            True  -> e2
            False ->
                case (y < 0) of
                    True ->
                        case True of
                            False -> e1
                            True  -> e2
                    False ->
                        case (y >= height) of
                            False -> e1
                            True  -> e2

And one more case-of-known-constructor:

case (x < 0) of
    True  -> e2
    False ->
         case (x >= width) of
             True  -> e2
             False ->
                 case (y < 0) of
                     True  -> e2
                     False ->
                         case (y >= height) of
                             False -> e1
                             True  -> e2

And we’re done! We arrived at the same expression that GHC compiled. Wasn’t that simple?


This should give you an idea of how GHC’s core-to-core transformations work. I’ve only shown you two of them - case-of-case and case-of-known-constructor - but there are many more. If you’re interested in learning others take a look at paper by Simon Peyton Jones and Andre Satnos “A transformation-based optimiser for Haskell”. If you want to learn more details than the paper provides see Andre Santos’ PhD thesis “Compilation by Transformation in Non-Strict Functional Languages”. You can also take a look at a discussion at GHC ticket 6135.
