Posted on 16/01/2014

Yet another web overview

I haven’t done a single web overview in 2013. It’s time to fix that since in the last few weeks I came across a couple of interesting online resources that I’d like to share:

  • Fun with type functions (2011) - Simon PJ’s presentation of the tutorial paper with the same title. Covers associated data types and type families (see “Associated Types With Class” for an in-depth presentation) + some stuff found in Data Parallel Haskell (read “Data Parallel Haskell: a status report” for more details). The whole presentation feels like a teaser as it ends quite quickly and skips some really interesting examples found in the paper.

  • Types a la Milner (2012) by Benjamin C. Pierce (he’s the author of the book about types “Types and Programming Languages”). The talk covers a bit of programming languages history, type systems in general (“well-typed programs don’t go wrong”), type inference in the presence of polymorphism and using types to manage security of personal information. I found the type inference and historical parts very interesting.

  • The trouble with types (2013) by Martin Odersky (creator of Scala). Talk covers the role of types in programming, presents the spectrum of static type systems and then focuses on innovations in the type system of Scala.

  • I also found an interesting blog hosted on GitHub. Despite only 10 posts the blog has lot’s of stuff on practical type level programming in Haskell. Highly recommended.
