Posted on 30/04/2015

Smarter conditionals with dependent types: a quick case study

Find the type error in the following Haskell expression:

if null xs then tail xs else xs

You can’t, of course: this program is obviously nonsense unless you’re a typechecker. The trouble is that only certain computations make sense if the null xs test is True, whilst others make sense if it is False. However, as far as the type system is concerned, the type of the then branch is the type of the else branch is the type of the entire conditional. Statically, the test is irrelevant. Which is odd, because if the test really were irrelevant, we wouldn’t do it. Of course, tail [] doesn’t go wrong - well-typed programs don’t go wrong - so we’d better pick a different word for the way they do go.

The above quote is an opening paragraph of Conor McBride’s “Epigram: Practical Programming with Dependent Types” paper. As always, Conor makes a good point - this test is completely irrelevant for the typechecker although it is very relevant at run time. Clearly the type system fails to accurately approximate runtime behaviour of our program. In this short post I will show how to fix this in Haskell using dependent types.

The problem is that the types used in this short program carry no information about the manipulated data. This is true both for Bool returned by null xs, which contains no evidence of the result, as well as lists, that store no information about their length. As some of you probably realize the latter is easily fixed by using vectors, ie. length-indexed lists:

data N = Z | S N  -- natural numbers

data Vec a (n :: N) where
  Nil  :: Vec a Z
  Cons :: a -> Vec a n -> Vec a (S n)

The type of vector encodes its length, which means that the type checker can now be aware whether it is dealing with an empty vector. Now let’s write null and tail functions that work on vectors:

vecNull :: Vec a n -> Bool
vecNull Nil        = True
vecNull (Cons _ _) = False

vecTail :: Vec a (S n) -> Vec a n
vecTail (Cons _ tl) = tl

vecNull is nothing surprising - it returns True for empty vector and False for non-empty one. But the tail function for vectors differs from its implementation for lists. tail from Haskell’s standard prelude is not defined for an empty list so calling tail [] results in an exception (that would be the case in Conor’s example). But the type signature of vecTail requires that input vector is non-empty. As a result we can rule out the Nil case. That also means that Conor’s example will no longer typecheck (( Assuming we don’t abuse Haskell’s unsoundness as logic, eg. by using undefined. )). But how can we write a correct version of this example, one that removes first element of a vector only when it is non-empty? Here’s an attempt:

shorten :: Vec a n -> Vec a m
shorten xs = case vecNull xs of
               True  -> xs
               False -> vecTail xs

That however won’t compile: now that we written type-safe tail function typechecker requires a proof that vector passed to it as an argument is non empty. The weak link in this code is the vecNull function. It tests whether a vector is empty but delivers no type-level proof of the result. In other words we need:

vecNull' :: Vec a n -> IsNull n

ie. a function with result type carrying the information about the length of the list. This data type will have the runtime representation isomorphic to Bool, ie. it will be an enumeration with two constructors, and the type index will correspond to length of a vector:

data IsNull (n :: N) where
     Null    :: IsNull Z
     NotNull :: IsNull (S n)

Null represents empty vectors, NotNull represents non-empty ones. We can now implement a version of vecNull that carries proof of the result at the type level:

vecNull' :: Vec a n -> IsNull n
vecNull' Nil        = Null
vecNull' (Cons _ _) = NotNull

The type signature of vecNull` says that the return type must have the same index as the input vector. Pattern matching on the Nil case provides the type checker with the information that the n index of Vec is Z. This means that the return value in this case must be Null - the NotNull constructor is indexed with S and that obviously does not match Z. Similarly in the Cons case the return value must be NotNull. However, replacing vecNull in the definition of shorten with our new vecNull` will again result in a type error. The problem comes from the type signature of shorten:

shorten :: Vec a n -> Vec a m

By indexing input and output vectors with different length indices (n and m) we tell the typechecker that these are completely unrelated. But that is not true! Knowing the input length n we know exactly what the result should be: if the input vector is empty the result vector is also empty; if the input vector is not empty it should be shortened by one. Since we need to express this at the type level we will use a type family:

type family Pred (n :: N) :: N where
    Pred Z     = Z
    Pred (S n) = n

(In a fully-fledged dependently-typed language we would write normal function and then apply it at the type level.) Now we can finally write:

shorten :: Vec a n -> Vec a (Pred n)
shorten xs = case vecNull' xs of
               Null    -> xs
               NotNull -> vecTail xs

This definition should not go wrong. Trying to swap expression in the branches will result in a type error.
